My Discovery of the “Crunchy” Lifestyle
How Motherhood Led Me to Live a More “Natural” Lifestyle
I remember the first time I heard the word “Crunchy” - it was probably a few years before I became a mom and, at the time, I thought it was a little weird. Granted, my interpretation of the word “Crunchy” was definitely a more extreme version. I thought it meant you basically live off-grid, only eat organic foods, don’t use internet, your babies wear cloth diapers and you don’t believe in shaving your arm pits. While there’s nothing wrong with any of that, it definitely isn’t an accurate depiction of “crunchy”.
“Crunchy”, I’ve now learned, is basically an appreciation and a desire to learn the more natural and traditional methods of living. You can have someone who’s barely crunchy, and someone who’s VERY crunchy… I’d like to say I’m somewhere in between. We definitely could be eating a lot better than we do, and I’m still working to eliminate some toxins from our household, but there are definitely an abundance of things we absolutely will not use - like popular brand (chemical-loaded) suncreens, toothpaste containing fluoride and foods containing high fructose corn syrup or red dye 40.
But let’s start at the beginning - how did I discover this totally different lifestyle compared to what I was used to? I didn’t use to ever read labels and I barely considered the fact that I should research personal care products before buying them.
Now, don’t get me wrong, my mom definitely strived to raise us with an awareness of the more natural alternatives - we were always big on home remedies instead of medicine etc, but the knowledge basically stopped there. As an adult, I had no idea of the toxic levels of chemicals in every day personal care items, or the horrid side effects of the many pokes that babies and kids are expected to get. That is, until I was pregnant with my first baby.
Throwback time to my precious, perfect baby girl (who now is 4! ) who made me a mama
When you look at a newborn baby, aren’t you just in complete awe at the marvel of a NEW LIFE, God’s most spectacular creation ever…. a perfect little baby.
When I first had Makenzie, I took on a COMPLETELY new perspective and a hunger for knowledge when it came to what I put IN and ON her body…
(and mine for that matter) The responsibility of being a mother is not to be taken lightly and to me, that meant researching EVERYTHING.
I’m so grateful for the timing in which I had this big discovery - basically it was RIGHT before she was born that my eyes were opened. I literally had products in her nursery all cute and ready to go, that I ended up TOSSING - unopened - because I was appalled at what I read about them. (Let’s just say, a big brand that starts with J and J)
To me, and probably for most, the reasoning behind choosing Natural Living (Crunchy living, holistic methods, alternative medicine… whatever you want to call it) is two-fold:
First, it is avoiding the toxic products that are so popular today because they are HARMFUL to your body, and second, it is choosing to use the more traditional method because it actually WORKS.
Popular (harmful) products and medicines of today are often a band aid to the greater problem - you’re just prolonging the process of actually dealing with whatever it is you’re trying to treat. Medicines hide the symptoms - natural care SOLVES the PROBLEM.
Deep down, I knew all of this already, but as a mother it just felt different. My approach toward Natural Living prior to motherhood was basically, if it’s convenient and affordable I’ll do it, but otherwise it wasn’t a priority. That’s sort of the lazy way out of doing what you know is right wouldn’t you say?
As a mother, my kids deserve the best. That means the best for them and also the best (healthiest version) of me.
I refuse to carry the responsibility of burdening them with long-term side effects from exposing them to toxic products because it was just “easier” or “cheaper” at the time.
Truly, I feel that choosing a more natural approach is inevitable for any mother who believes in God, because it’s choosing to trust the methods and ingredients that HE put on this earth for us, but that might be another blog post for another time.
The bottom line is that, while I know I still have a long way to go in my learning, I will never look back from this ongoing journey of pursuing a more natural lifestyle. It is so satisfying to my mama heart to know that I have researched everything that goes in and on their little bodies. When they’re sick or hurt, I know what can help them in a way that is safe and effective.
I knew this “crunchy” aspect of my life and motherhood journey had to be a part of my online platform because it’s such a big part of me.
While this post simply serves as an overview, I will definitely be working over the near future to put together helpful tips and handouts for beginners on getting started with Natural Living because I am so passionate about helping other mamas overcome those same, overwhelming hurdles that I first faced in those early months of motherhood when there are already so many other things to learn and worry about. It can be a daunting task to learn the “crunchy” lifestyle but our babies deserve the best, and we owe it to them to do the research.
Nature’s Sunshine has some of my favorite wellness products that I’ve used for years and just haven’t found another company with as high quality of products - and still affordable!
(While I am not a distributor for this company, they do have an affiliate program so I receive a small commission if you make any purchases with this link.)
Earthley Wellness I discovered more recently and have been LOVING so many of their every-day products for my kiddos. They have great “first-aid” alternatives as well as personal care products, wellness products, cleaning products and more!
(affiliate link)