My Story with “Happy Juice”…
And how it literally changed my life!
Hey Friends! Realizing that a lot of people might be reading this who are NOT long-time followers, I want to give a very brief introduction.
(PS If you are NOT about stories/testimonials, you can also jump right to: WHAT IS HAPPY JUICE)
I’m Rosie, Catholic mother of 3 (expecting our 4th!) and very heavily focused on only putting clean ingredients in and on my body (hence, “The Crunchy Catholic”!) I have had my “Crunchy Catholic” platforms for a few years now and mostly share about Catholic motherhood and natural living. Often that includes different vitamins/supplements that are working for us or alternative medicines, home remedies etc. Reading labels and being extremely mindful of what things are made out of is a big deal to me!
Despite always trying my best to practice good prayer habits and constantly developing my mindset towards gratitude and positivity, (in fact, it’s something I share a LOT about) there’s no denying that motherhood can have its days - or entire seasons - of battling some rough mental states. We go through so, SO much day-to-day stimulation and always bearing the weight of so many responsibilities, with limited time for ourselves… it’s no wonder so many mamas find themselves completely drained, irritable, maybe even anxious or depressed. (And can I point out that SO many of us struggle with this but NO ONE wants to talk about it because we think no one else is struggling and therefore they wouldn’t understand)
In January of 2024, I was SO beyond blessed to re-enter the world of Stay at Home Mom Life after being a full-time/over-time working mom for 7 months. Just days before my last day at my job, I found out the news that I was pregnant. We were absolutely thrilled!!! But it did cross my mind that, “I’ll finally be home again with them… and I’m going to feel so sick and exhausted”
I tried being really good about my vitamins to avoid getting too nauseous like I always do in my first trimester, but nevertheless week 5 rolled around and I did not feel good at all. By week 6 & 7 (this is very hard to admit) I was finding myself in a state of major sadness and overwhelm… I was so tired I couldn’t think straight, and when I wasn’t tired I was nauseous. The mom guilt for not being the “super mom” I wanted to come home and be, was too much. The overwhelm and the overstimulation was like it had never been before. To make the transition happen, my husband took on some schooling in addition to his job which meant from 4am to 10pm he was gone (and on the weekends he was studying 24/7 as the program was very intense) I went from “never home” to “solo parenting” and also beyond exhausted and nauseous. I had to lay down any time I could, and the guilt that followed and the OVERWHELM of the messy house that came from my lack of productivity… was quite honestly, debilitating.
It all just compounded in my head and truly left me feeling a way that I didn’t recognize. I thought I could just “mind over matter” my way through it but no matter what my intentions were in the morning, most days went about the same. I suffered this mental battle completely alone because of course, “I should just be so grateful to finally be home with them” I told myself.
One night after the exhausting, solo endeavor of getting all three kids to sleep, while scrolling Instagram I came across a product that I had never heard of. It was called “Happy Juice” and although it was an MLM, I was open to reading about it because multiple people who shared about it were people I really trusted (an influencer who used to sell for a previous MLM I did, and another mom who seemed very likeminded to me with her Faith and homeschooling lifestyle - similar aged kids too!)
I binged so much content and information that night, I think I was up until 2am! (Talk about not helping the exhaustion but I was looking at the big picture and this product had a sale ending the next day at noon)
I couldn’t believe what I was reading… testimonial after testimonial of moms going from severely anxious/depressed to suddenly feeling light as a feather and happy as a clam.
Now I’m not so naive to just read a few testimonials and pull the trigger. I literally dug into the website and the videos about the science behind how it worked. I learned that essentially we all have pretty awful cortisol built up inside our gut from years and years of stress (boy did I build up stress when I was working that job) and this cortisol has no chance to work its way down if we are continuously sleep deprived and/or in fight or flight mode as busy moms. These cortisol levels take over and cause tiredness, mood swings, irritability, head aches, inflammation, depression/anxiety and more. Like a version of us we don’t even recognize and try so hard to hide - it’s a lot to handle!
Now what the Happy Juice does is takes these gut and brain imbalances (or as the company words it, “it targets the gut/brain axis”) and levels everything back out through a specifically formulated combination of probiotics, prebiotics and phytobiotics. BUT I am going to save all the sciency stuff for my next blog: WHAT IS HAPPY JUICE. For now, let me wrap up my life-changing experience with it.
So I was pretty quickly convinced at reading up on the company, the lab studies, the third-party testing and all the MANY testimonials. I also loved how transparent they were with the ingredients and I liked what I saw on the labels. The girl I messaged has 4 kids also and really resonated with me and her testimonial alone was enough to convince me. So I pulled the trigger!
My Happy Juice arrived just a few days later but unfortunately me and all my kids were hit with the worst stomach bug ever before I even had a chance to try it. Being first trimester pregnant AND this intense stomach flu was so, so hard. But, as us super moms always do, we powered through!
By then I had really watched a lot of videos and “how to’s” and was feeling so excited to get started. Once I was feeling mostly better (there was a distinct difference from my pregnancy nausea and my stomach flu) I decided it was time to start!
I mixed it up with my handheld little frother (stirring with a spoon doesn’t fully blend the powders and I’m picky about texture) and my first impression of the taste was that I was VERY impressed. “I could sure get used to drinking this every day!” I thought to myself.
“But can I really afford to pay this every month?”
I knew we were on a tight budget having just come home from working and knowing we needed to make adjustments to a single income again, but I also had really prayed and discerned over the decision to try this. In my first trimesters of pregnancy, I can never handle coffee - it tastes so gross and makes the nausea worse. So I started adding up what I was “saving” by not drinking coffee, and I also determined that with Happy Juice, I wouldn’t need my usual monthly purchase of probiotics (I usually get a $30 bottle from Amazon and without it, let’s just say I have major stomach problems - a painful “backed up” feeling which is also intensified when pregnant) and also I was taking a digestive enzyme that I determined I could boycott if I was on Happy Juice. This is how I justified it and told myself, “If I enjoy it, I’ll share it and if I can just share enough to get my monthly Happy Juice paid for, I’ll be a happy camper” - pun intended.
Within my first week I was already noticing the lessened anxiety/irritability. I couldn’t believe what I was experiencing, it really was like a weight had been lifted. A weight - or a dark cloud really - that wasn’t me. I was feeling like myself again. Even my major, major exhaustion was subsiding! My very painful colon/intestinal pain that always accompanies my pregnancies started to go away too. Head aches, gone. Mood swings gone. Lack of motivation, gone. Feelings of sadness, gone! I was like a whole new me. Well, actually, I was like the old me again!
I was really, really starting to like the effects of this and starting to feel like all the testimonials were true. I actually ran out of my supply at one point (because I delayed my subscribe and save order because we couldn’t afford it yet) and officially went a few weeks back OFF of Happy Juice.
There is absolutely no denying this correlation of events. My anxious and depressive moods came back. Head aches, the debilitating stomach pain, a yeast infection, exhaustion and even nausea even though I was well into my 2nd trimester at this point.
I officially deemed the Happy Juice effects NOT a placebo, and placed my order for more. Once I started drinking it again, within about one week things were back to the “true self” that I had experienced. Friends, I am a pretty no-nonsense person and I can (and will) continue shouting from the roof tops what this drink did for me (and so many others)
It led me out of the dark slump of ungrateful, overwhelming mom guilt where I was paralyzed from doing anything to making it better… and brought my true self back. I won’t ever go back to not drinking this because that’s how certain I am that this helped me that much.
At the time of writing this, I just reached my 25 week mark with this pregnancy.
You could say it’s a coincidence and I guess I’ll never really know for sure, but this has been my EASIEST pregnancy so far (well, not counting those first few weeks before I started drinking Happy Juice!) There are so many night and day differences from my previous pregnancies to this one including my usual debilitating stomach pain (not to be confused with nausea, this is like a “severely backed up” situation where I am brought to tears from the pain) which I have not experienced at all this time while on Happy Juice. I also had horrible round ligament pain with my last pregnancy, which I can only describe as the feeling of “my C Section scar ripping open” is what it felt like. Granted, it has now been longer since my last C Section than with my last pregnancy since my last baby was a homebirth (praise God) but still, the round ligament pain is barely there this time in comparison to my first three pregnancies.
But the biggest testimony of all, surpassing all my physical symptoms, is the mental improvements I’ve made on Happy Juice. Not only did the awful mental state completely subside, but I’ve discovered this newfound motivation in all areas. My house has gotten an overhaul, my business has been thriving, I released a digital course I had been putting off, and wouldn’t you know it… I of course started sharing more and more about Happy Juice because of how much it helped me and lo and behold, that has taken off like crazy. (which has been an answer to prayers of not only needing something to help me mentally, but also financially which can often lead to the negative mindset!)
In just my fourth month of sharing about Happy Juice, I already hit the third rank up (which is a rank that less than 1% of Brand Builders even reach!) and this rank means not only a guaranteed monthly income, but also company profit sharing and many other perks. I am blown away at the blessing this has been, not only the product but also the business opportunity. You can always reach out to me on Instagram or email if you’d like to learn more.
Thank you Happy Juice!!! So now that you’ve read my life story, (literally) I bring you to the next post about WHAT IS HAPPY JUICE.