Anchor of Hope: Doula in Training!
Guess what?! I’ve taken on an (online) Faith-centered doula certification, and I couldn’t be more excited!
Announcing: Anchor of Hope Catholic Birth Blog (eventually to be “Catholic Doula Services”!) Read on to find out the meaning behind the name!
I am absolutely blown away that my little miracle homebirth baby is already approaching a year and a half old (next month!) at the time of writing this. For anyone brand new here, my first two children were born via (pretty unwanted) C Sections which each had a whole slew of mental, emotional and physical trauma… Then, my third baby was a beautifully redeeming homebirth VBA2C. I can’t and won’t ever stop telling my story of healing and God’s Grace and mercy for this incredible accomplishment. All thanks to Jesus and Mary!
I couldn’t help but think of how out of me and my 7 sisters, my mom had all 8 births vaginally and relatively free of any major problems or interventions. My sisters up to that point (and to this day!) had all had vaginal births, relatively free of major issues/interventions. I couldn’t help but always ask, “Why me?” (Not once, but twice! - my second was an attempted homebirth VBAC turned hospital transfer turned C Section… but more on that later)
Now, with the hindsight of seeing all my growth and all my recovery and all the hearts I’ve been able to touch and guide who have been in similar shoes as me, I can finally see and truly have accepted that this was God’s will for me. Now, I’m on fire to spread this message and share my story. You are reading this brief overview on my “Crunchy Catholic” website. My Crunchy Catholic platforms have been around for a long time and are very near and dear to me - but something about my life-changing, (soul rocking) experience with Nolan, has lit a new fire to want to do something with this message of hope.
My doula certification is currently in progress - I didn’t want to settle for certifying with a company that was any less than aligned with my standards and beliefs, and the Faith-centered one I discovered is great but also very extensive (which I’m so glad for! It covers everything!) but as a mom of 3 littles, taking the certification online is going to take some time.
(PS it is not a Catholic doula certification company - it is, however, strongly aligned with Christian values so while there is no talk of Our Blessed Mother or the Saints or our Catholic Faith, I am still very appreciative of the God-centered curriculum and I will definitely be incorporating Catholicism into my own doula business)
Meanwhile, I do have a couple places I’m sharing my story. Shortly before having Nolan, I started a separate Instagram account specifically to share my story of attempting a VBAC at home after 2 C Sections. Sharing my story and clarifying my thoughts and emotions surrounding the situation was very healing for me. That account is tiny but mighty and I have made many new connections with other mamas in similar shoes as I was in. I’ve encouraged those mamas to go back and watch my reels on that account or go through my highlights. Watching/reading the success stories of others was absolutely pivotal in my success. (Along with so many other things, but we’re only scratching the surface here!) Hospitals and mainstream medical stats want to tell you that it can’t be done, but it CAN, and it IS done again and again all the time by super mamas everywhere. There are also multiple Facebook groups I was part of where I repeatedly read success stories (specifically, Homebirth After Cesarean and also ICAN - International Cesarean Awareness Network)
I’ve even thought of putting together sort of a workbook of steps I took toward healing emotionally/physically/mentally/spiritually… Once my doula certification is complete, I think whatever I come up with will just be that much more valuable and helpful for other women in need of these resources. (PS I plan to create not only these resources of healing and hope, but also general doula services whether in person or in a virtual setting) If this is something you’re extremely interested in because you are in need of this healing, (whether you’re expecting again or not!) please feel free to reach out and just give some feedback and share a little bit about yourself. You can access the CONTACT form at the top of this page.
Again, I am so incredibly grateful to God and to my Catholic Faith for providing me with the hope and the resources that were so necessary in my success for the experience I so desperately hoped and prayed for. This barely even scratches the surface on my story I want to tell, far and wide… but it was time to at least give a slight overview of my story and the goodness of God, as well as announce my Anchor of Hope news and what’s to come.
Thank you for reading this for and stay tuned for wherever God leads me - God bless you friends!
I even mentioned the ingredients to my midwife and she said it sounds great! There’s also a “Mama’s Tummy Relief” if you’re in need of that, as well as Pregnancy Tea. Really, there are so many amazing products from Earthley which is why I always share about them - if you decide to browse, please use this affiliate link (use discount code CRUNCHYCATHOLIC for 10% off) where I receive a small commission which helps support my endeavor to stay home with my kiddos and rock that homeschool mom life. Thank you so much and let me know if you have any questions!